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Indianapolis Airport Authority Capital Projects & 2014D Refunding (2023)

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 In December 2023 the Bond Bank issued $205,715,000 of General Airport Revenue Bonds across 2 series of Non-AMT and AMT Airport Revenue bonds. The Series 2023I-1 and I-2 bonds financed the refunding of the 2014D series (the Authority’s 2014A bonds (AMT)) and various 2023-2027 capital projects at the Indianapolis International Airport Terminal. The capital improvements include but are not limited to reconstructing runway 5R-23L and Taxiway D with LED lighting, rehabilitation of public parking lots pavement, constructing terminal back-up water connections, and terminal energy resilience projects. Proceeds of the bonds, along with other available funds of the Authority, were used to refund the Authority’s callable $126,035,000 Series 2014A Bonds (AMT).

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